Customer Testimonials

...about 5 months ago [my husband] started having really bad breath. He could brush his teeth and chew gum and I could still smell that smell through it all...I did some research on different products and stumbled upon Smart Mouth. I'm not kidding you when I say it worked the very first day. Don't wait another day. You can take care of your bad breath within 24 hours of reading this!

Beatrice K. — Westlake Village, CA

The best I have ever used.

Michael H. — Auburn, IN

This stuff really works. I brush my teeth twice a day every day (usually) but I did not realize that my breath was still so bad that it was really turning my wife off...since I started using SmartMouth there has not been one day or night of any trace of bad breath. It's so good to find a product that really works. And to see how happy this makes my wife is priceless!

Roger C. — Spooner, WI

I love this product!!!! I swear by it. All too often I see products that just don't work like the advertisements but this stuff really, really works, just like it says. I recommend this product to all my friends and family.
Thank you SmartMouth!

Larry D. — Hampton, VA

This product is amazing! My morning breath is a thing of the past! I've told more people than I can count about it. Today I just told my dentist.

Pat W. — Laguna Niguel, CA

I've been using Smart Mouth Mouthwash for less than a week and I am beyond satisfied with this product. It's brought my confidence back. You have truly changed my life for the better, SmartMouth and for this, I cannot thank you enough.

Carol — King City, CA

I love this product....there are few products out there that deliver what they promise. This product is the truth, after you get past the slight cotton mouth you are good (lol). If you are on the fence about buying don't delay any longer! I love it!
Thanks SmartMouth!

Larry D. — Hampton, VA

I just want to thank you for this wonderful product. I purchased it just 6 days ago and I am completely bad breath free. As of just two days later I felt completely clean and bad breath free and I took a bad breath test just now and it was just a clean and odorless feeling...Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!

Jane — Chicago, IL

I was getting frustrated not being able to find a good breath saver. I must admit that Smart Mouth was that saver that I was hoping for. It worked from day one. I hope this product will be around for years to come. I am sold; I will never use another product again.

Edward H. Land O Lakes, FL

I am a part-time smoker and this helps so much! This product is amazing! I have used it for about 3 weeks now and have recommended it to everybody I can think of!

Marcella S. — Schaumburg, IL

I have been using SmartMouth as recommended and cannot believe the results. Truly amazing! This product really, really works! It has restored my confidence when in a social environment. Thanks for giving me my life back.

James I.

I saw you on NBC last year. I finally got my pharmacist to order some SmartMouth. Then I found some at the local Wal-Mart. Recently, I went to my dentist for my six month checkup. The best compliment I have ever had came from the dental hygienist. She said that I had the cleanest mouth of the week!

Magie G.

I have been battling serious bad breath for many years and due to my profession it is so uncomfortable. I have been using SmartMouth for over a month now and it is fantastic! It has made my professional and personal life more stress free!

Michelle V. — Milwaukee, WI

I started using SmartMouth about a week ago and I am so amazed with the results! I actually don't have horrific morning breath! I notice that my mouth tastes differently all the time now. It's really amazing. There is truly nothing else like it on the market! It really lasts.

Mindy W. — New York, NY

I just wanted to write to thank you for your awesome product. I am an orthodontist and have had a problem with halitosis that I couldn't control until I started using the SmartMouth mouthwash.

Keith Coombs, DDS, MS

As a restaurant critic who eats in all languages and is especially fond of Korean, Thai and other garlicky indulgences, [SmartMouth] has been a (social) lifesaver.
If the evening ends with a kiss, it's "goodnight" and NOT "good bye".

Ingrid Wilmot